New Pickups

Within the last month or two, I picked up quite a few new TMNT items for my collection. I decided that I would share the excitement with all of you.

First up, I have been continuing my quest of buying every Kraang and Robotic Foot Soldier Mega Bloks figure that I come across. Below you will find a few new codes for these guys. Both armies are flourishing and look fantastic on display (pic for a later date)!



Toys R Us had a BOGO 40% off sale a few weeks ago that I could not pass up. Add in the fact that I had a $5.00 rewards coupon and received a 20% off one item coupon and it turned into quite a nice haul.


The Sewer Lair was a new addition as well but I bought it a few weeks prior to the sale. I only needed the top three to own all the ones that I had interest in. Had I known the sale was coming up, I clearly would have waited to buy the Sewer Lair. Totally worth it either way though!

Sticking with the mini TMNT theme brings us to some of my new Diamond Select Minimates purchases. Mutagen Donnie and a regular Foot Soldier can be crossed off my list along with a Mutagen Michelangelo, SDCC 14 exclusives of Leo and Mike and an NYCC 15 exclusive Raphael. Mutagen Raph and Mutagen Leo are the only two that I still need to track down before I own every TMNT Minimate that DST has released to date.




Oh and I got a K-Mart exclusive Kraang too!! 🙂


You never know what deals you’ll find on eBay and I couldn’t resist buying the Japanese Takara Capsule TMNT figures when a decently priced lot popped up. After at least a month of waiting, I finally received my purchase…or so I thought!


The seller accidentally sent me the Takara Capsule Mascot figures with key chains. Needless to say I wasn’t pleased. I contacted the seller and they told me that they would send the correct figures and to keep these ones. I figured I would eventually have to file a dispute after another month of waiting but to my delight, a few weeks would pass and the figures that I initially ordered arrived safe and sound.


I’m sure you noticed what these Takara Capsule figures were displayed on. That was your hint for my next purchase!


I finally pulled the trigger on an original, complete 1989 Playmates Toys Sewer Lair. If you follow the site, you already know that I am not a huge collector of the original toon line. However, I wanted a nice playset to display my soft head turtles on to show them the love that they deserve.

Next up, a little plush action. While visiting a local thrift store I came across a TMNT Fast Forward Michelangelo plush. I remember seeing these a while back and wanting them. They are pretty scarce so it was pleasant to see one locally and at a nice price tag.


Being a big Mirage fan, I was super excited when The Loyal Subjects released their first wave of TMNT blind boxes. I picked up several right away but my excitement fizzled out when a second wave was announced due to the switch to the 1987 toon designs and characters. I still plan on picking up the rest of wave 1 though and recently sniped a Karai and the 1/24 chase Foot Soldier.


Don’t mind the dust!


Saving the best for last, I found the authentic Revoltech TMNT Nick figures for a price that I could just not say no to. I only had Donatello up to this point, as he was a gift from my girlfriend a few years ago for Christmas. Now Donnie is no longer alone and I couldn’t be happier with this purchase, along with all of my other buys! Thank you for reading and enjoy these last two shots.







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