Tag: cartoon review

  • Rise of the TMNT Mystic Mayhem Review

    Lets get one thing straight. These are not the turtles of old nor the turtles of 2012 either. These are reimagined characters and if you don’t look at them as just that then you’ll hate this series.  Luckily I have a more open mind about the new series. I loved the turtle designs when I…

  • The Noxious Avenger!

    I am several episodes behind in the new Nickelodeon TMNT cartoon series due to Hulu and the internet being my only sources for watching the show. I have decided that, since I am paying for Hulu, I will wait until the new episodes are added on there before I watch them. One of the new…

  • “The Foot Soldiers Are Revolting”

    I recently discussed how I was watching every 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode in order. I stumbled upon an episode titled “The Foot Soldiers Are Revolting”. This episode was really cool so I am going to take the time to tell you more about it. If you are a fan of the 1987 TMNT…

  • Sick Day Part 3

    A few days ago I discussed the second episode from the 1987 TMNT cartoon series that I watched during my sick day a few months back. You can see that post here. The third and final episode that I watched while I was home from work is titled “Michelangelo Meets Bugman”. Bugman is a character…

  • Sick Day Part 2

    At the beginning of March, I discussed a sick day that I had about a month and a half ago. I watched several episodes of the Fred Wolf 1987 cartoon and decided to give them some thought. Here is the second episode that I watched, which is titled “Rhino-Man”. My first reaction to this episode…

  • Season 3, “Casey Jones VS. The Underworld” Review

    As I suspected in the previous weeks, Hun made his debut in the Nickelodeon TMNT world this past Sunday in the episode titled “Casey Jones VS. The Underworld”. Basically, Casey is upset that he didn’t get to partake in any of the physical activities that occurred during “Battle For New York”. Jones decides to go…

  • NINJA TURTLES SEASON 3, “Battle for New York” Review

    The turtles battled the Kraang this weekend to return order to NYC in a 2 part episode titled “Battle for New York”. In the process, the TMNT joined forces with a new group titled The Mighty Mutanimals, led by none other than Slash. The Mighty Mutanimals consists of Pigeon Pete, Dr. Rockwell (aka Monkey Brains),…

  • Sick Day

    About a month ago, I was home sick from work and decided to catch up on some 1987 TMNT episodes. I have been re-watching the Fred Wolf series in order for about the past year or so. There are 193 episodes in all and I have been taking my time, thus extending this journey. I…


    Unfortunately, I have been sick with the flu the last few days and I am still recovering. My review is a bit late but I was able to DVR the new episode from this past weekend and I really enjoyed it. The episode is titled “Serpent Hunt” and as you can probably guess, the TMNT…


    It’s no secret that I was extremely excited for this episode as I have been mentioning the last few weeks about how I love the Return to New York story arc in the original Mirage comics. Well, yesterday this episode aired and it did not disappoint! The episode kicked things off with a new intro…