Tag: The Loyal Subjects
New Pickups
Within the last month or two, I picked up quite a few new TMNT items for my collection. I decided that I would share the excitement with all of you. First up, I have been continuing my quest of buying every Kraang and Robotic Foot Soldier Mega Bloks figure that I come across. Below you…
The Loyal Subjects Casey Jones Figure Review
The Loyal Subjects Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figures have become my new favorite line. About a month ago, my girlfriend and I stopped by Barnes and Noble and picked up their last two TLS TMNT figures. As you may have previously read, I hit a Donatello. My GF opened the other figure and to both…
The Loyal Subjects Donatello Figure Review
I went to Barnes and Noble a few weeks back and picked up my first Loyal Subjects figure, which turned out to be Splinter. From that point on, I became obsessed with this line. About a week later, I went back to Barnes and Noble and after digging through a messy shelf, picked up their…
The Loyal Subjects Wave 2 Designs
Above are designs for wave 2 of The Loyal Subjects TMNT figures. Unlike the previously released wave, which featured Mirage comic book designs, wave 2 will feature designs from the Fred Wolf 1987 cartoon. Again, we see the four turtles (some differences from the wave 1 turtles to resemble the 87 TMNT), Splinter, Shredder, Foot…
Toy Fair 2015 Wrap Up
The 2015 New York Toy Fair has come and gone. There were a lot of exciting announcements and featured items from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles property. Let’s recap some of the awesome toys that we saw or heard about. We will start off with the Playmates Toys basic figure line. Some of these figures…
The Loyal Subjects TMNT Exclusives
Here is an image from the Toy Fair of some new TMNT variants from The Loyal Subjects. There are some glow turtles, grey scale turtles and some solid black turtles. I am really hoping that this is not the only figures we see for wave 2. The first wave of figures were amazing all…
The Loyal Subjects Splinter Figure Review
The vinyl figures have become a popular trend lately. We are seeing many great franchises getting the plastic treatment in these styles, including our four heroes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I have been wanting to find a new line of TMNT figures to collect. Not just something random, but something that was well painted,…
The Loyal Subjects To Release TMNT Wave 2
If you have not seen the Loyal Subjects TMNT line, they can be found HERE. There is also a super rare chase figure of an all black Foot Soldier in the series that is not shown. You will most likely have to conduct an eBay search to locate this one. I love the comic style look,…